Narmi Corelation Implementation Guide

The best implementations in the industry.

Narmi has written a comprehensive implementation guide for Corelation customers, including best practices on working with the KeyBridge API; how to communicate your digital transformation across your org; and the difference between providers that are mere technology vendors, and those that are partners in the future of your financial institution.

Download Your Guide

A time-tested and repeatable process.

Who am I going to be working with?
Learn the difference in approach between a vendor and a true partner.
What is the timeline?
We understand a strong technology partner keeps speed-to-market top-of-mind. We implement fast, and we implement well.
How is it this easy?
Through transparency, comprehensive training, and an eye on a complete transformation in how you do business.
We are here to help.
Empowering your community’s financial story should only ever be a positive experience - and it will be with the right partner.
Expert insights

“We look at it as a partnership, and we really take that word to heart. We’d like to think that we make each other better.”

Glenn Guinto
CEO & President | Greater Alliance Federal Credit Union (Corelation and Narmi Customer)