
Your digital front door is broken

Explore the digital account opening strategies banking experts use to eliminate roadblocks, grow deposits, and deliver impressive digital experiences.

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What's covered in this whitepaper

Everything your financial institution needs to remove the obstacles standing in the way of digital account growth at scale. Take a deep dive into a best-in-class digital account opening experience and learn the essential insights, tips, and best practices digital banking experts rely on to effortlessly onboard new customers and members.
Learnings from over a dozen industry experts on finding success with digital account opening
Tools and tactics for overcoming
challenges that stand in the way of digital account growth
Checklists, guides, and best practices to help your financial institution reach its digital onboarding goals
Get the whitepaper

A deep-dive through Digital Account Opening

Chapter 1: The current state of digital account opening
Learn how to navigate the challenges standing between you and a best-in-class experience.
Chapter 2: Universal benefits of zero friction account opening
See how an improved onboarding experience delivers wins for your customers, your staff, and your bottom line.
Chapter 3: How to do identity verification the right way
Explore how to modernize your identity verification program and save time and money while staying compliant.
Chapter 4: A formula for stress-free implementations
Read why Narmi is passionate about getting our customers live with best-in-class digital account opening.
Expert insights

“What I think a lot of bankers still don’t get today is that the digital account opening experience is a marketing experience, and a positioning. The ability to open that account in two to three minutes is as much a marketing statement as having that “big ass sign” in some town somewhere. It signals, ‘Hey, we're here to make your life easy. And we don't just say it, we enable it.’”

Ron Shevlin
Chief Research Officer | Cornerstone Advisors
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Scalable digital account opening starts here