Narmi FIS IBS Implementation Guide

The best implementations in the industry.

We’ve written the following guide for our FIS IBS customers to help you answer some of the most common questions we hear ahead of – and during – the implementation process. We hope this can be a resource for you in determining the ideal technology partner, and help you message your digital transformation across your organization.

Download Your Guide

A time-tested and repeatable process.

Who am I going to be working with?
Learn the difference in approach between a vendor and a true partner.
What is the timeline?
We understand a strong technology partner keeps speed-to-market top-of-mind. We implement fast, and we implement well.
How is it this easy?
Through transparency, comprehensive training, and an eye on a complete transformation in how you do business.
We are here to help.
Empowering your community’s financial story should only ever be a positive experience - and it will be with the right partner.
Expert insights

“I’ve done multiple implementations over the years, and this is the first implementation we’ve ever had that the project lead of the vendor is so well organized that we feel that we need to catch up”

Beth Williams
Chief Operating Officer, EVP | Peoples National Bank (FIS IBS Core)